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// Bürogebäude in Massivbauweise mit angrenzender Montagehalle in Stahlbauweise
// Arbeitsplätze für ca. 30 Mitarbeiter (inkl. Neben- und Besprechungsräume)
// Außenanlagen mit Stellplätzen, Anlieferzonen und offenen Versickerungsmulden
// Betonkernaktivierung / Fußbondenheizung / Luftwärmepumpen / Brennwertkessel / LED -Technik / EMA
// Vorrüstung für Photovoltaikanlage mit ELT-Rückeinspeisung
// Erweiterungsoptionen für Büroräumlichkeiten und Montagehalle


New construction of an office building with an adjoining assembly hall. Direct connections from the office to the assembly hall enable short travel distances between the planner and the assembly team. Different extension options for the building complex were prepared as a part of this project. The production hall has all the required accessory rooms so that both office and production units have easy access to them. The office space is capable of comfortably housing up to 30 employees. An inner green space inside the administrative building brings additional daylight and charm.

The space outside the buildings is designed for the current number of employees and production capacity but can be easily adapted or extended if necessary. Delivery zones for trucks and car parking lots are separated to avoid blocked entrances to delivery bays. Significant areas of the lot were designed for green areas with trees.

// Office building – massive construction, assembly hall – steel construction
// Office space for up to 30 employees (including auxiliary and meeting rooms)
// Parking lots, delivery zones, storm water sewers
// Thermal mass activation of room heating and cooling/underfloor heating/air heat pumps/condensing boilers/LED lighting/EMA
// Solar cell system with ELT technology pre-installed as a part of the project
// Options for extension of office space as well as assembly hall were prepared


// Modular housing units AmKo 36

Development of movable houses. Residential modules as mobile housing units.


New construction of a production hall with office space.