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// Modular housing units AmKo 36

// Modulares bauen
// Wohnmodule
// Realisierung ab August 2019
// Nutzfläche Hauptmodul ca. 25,00 m²
// Nutzfläche Schlaf-, Büromodul ca. 10,00 m²
// Primärkonstruktion in Holzbauweise
// Solarenergie Photovoltaik bei Kompaktmodulen
// Pelletheizung
// Barrierefrei 
// Kostengünstig
// Flexibel
// Mobil 

Together with habito company we offer a mobile housing unit that enables a permanent life without sacrificing comfort in a reduced space.

The space is designed so that there is a lot of place for a kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and the spacious living-dining area.

If required, the living modules can be transported to a new location at any time. These movable homes are easily expanded and already have all the necessities inside (ready-to-live). If needed, a technology module can supply the living modules with all needed utilities so that the houses are self-sufficient.

The product range includes both the major main modules, as well as sleeping and office units. Depending on the requirements, the modules can be assembled into larger complexes. The usable areas can be merged together if needed.

amko-habito presents a range of innovative solutions in the field of mobile and compact living. Our stackable mini-houses offer a great alternative to an overpriced living space, which is nevertheless in shortage. In addition, they can be easily transported to a new location if the owner needs to move. Thanks to a flexible cabinets design the interior is transformable. The house has a modular structure, so it is able to respond to life’s changes and challenges.

Even when life in a traditional house or apartment becomes too difficult due to age or accident, we provide a compact, accessible and friendly house that can even be installed in the backyard.

// Modular building structure
// Residential modules
// Sales starting from August 2019
// Living area of the main module is approx. 25,00 m²
// Living area of sleeping and office modules approx. 10,00 m²
// Primary construction method using wooden frame
// Solar energy option for living modules
// Pellet heating system option
// Barrier-free housing
// Cost-effective
// Flexible



New construction of a multi-family residential building.

// Pavilion for exhibitions and presentations M 00

Design of the building for exhibitions, presentations and consulting events in the medical and care industries.